We started filmmaking in 1994. That year we had a very special homework to do – we were about to film a reportage about a rest home. Everything was taped on 8mm analog video camera and at our basic school it was very popular. That time we were just about 13–14 years old. We were maybe the youngest filmmakers in the world :-). We did it just for fun and the main reason was to get better grade at school.
A few months latter we decided to make our first film with actors. It was an “action film” called “The Devils Kidnap”. We simply improvised in front of the camera. We did not even have a screenplay prepared so you can imagine how it looked like. Some more information and pictures about each film is on appropriate pages.
In 1995, during the Easter Holliday, we made a “horror’ film. The movie was done in four days and only three people played in it – David Brezina, Pavel Kopp and Daniel Kobliha. The whole movie was made in south Bohemia in Pavel’s weekend cottage. Important thing is that here for the first time in our history we made “Making of…”. The whole movie has 20 minutes and is called “The Day of Living Death”. It is about experiments which are out of control.
Another interesting piece of art was created in 1996. It is “The Fateful Kidnap”. It was a huge project that time and we made this film over year. The paradox was that we were physically changing a lot over time and we had to remake some parts of the scenes over and over. The first version of the film was more than 4 hours long which was not acceptable, (not even for Tarantino). That is why we latter reedited it into 2.5 hour long version.
The year 1997 brings us another movie “Area 77”. That time we were very much influenced by The X Files so this film is a bit mysterious. To keep the best quality of the motion picture we edited the whole film on our video camera which was extremely risky. The unpleasant situation, which is for sure horrible for every filmmaker, was that our video camera broke up. That is why we had to repair it and we finished the movie 2 months afterwards.
All these above mentioned films were made with analog 8mm video camera and since 1998 we started filmmaking with professional digital 3CCD Panasonic miniDV video camera.
“The Case” is our first film which was made with digital video camera. The picture quality of this movie is without a doubt 100% better. That time we edited the film on S-VHS video recorder and the master was only on VHS. We recently digitalized and reedited the whole film with new professional equipment. With higher editing precisions we made the film about 15 minutes shorter and this new version is already also on DVD.
After a long break we start filming again. It is a year 2002 and we have very ambitious project prepared on the table “Resurrection”. Unfortunately, after about two weeks of complicated filming, in a very could weather, we decided to give it up. Film was too difficult and at the same time half of the team had flu. Nevertheless, we edited everything that we had filmed and we also put it in our filmography. This piece has 8 minutes and the scenes are not chronologically one after another. It is 8 scenes from the total of 46.
In 2003 there are many changes. We started calling us Sunsetfilm Production and we took more people into our team. Also the way of filmmaking is different. We put a lot of time to scene preparations, props, and light. In spring 2003 we filmed for about 3 months “Darkness Falls” and it was finished in May.
Unfortunately, some of our projects are made with help of foreign music or screenplays. That is why because of copyright we cannot publish them. All our projects are not commercial. They were not created to make money.
In December 2003 we finished another film called “Dragon’s Ruse”. This film is already appropriate for the Czech film festival and we will apply in 2004. This film has 15 minutes and the story is about a divorced mother who loses her own, very much loved daughter.
On February 21st 2004 we won the second prize at the Strekovska kamera film festival in Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic. It motivated us very much, so we prepare other unique movie...
On April 17th 2004 film Dragon's Ruse received another second prize at the Regional Film Festival in Usti nad Orlici.
During the end of Spring 2004 we start making film in coproduction called "Morte". It is a short but very scary horror. The screenplay wrote Allan Subert.
In summer we try to make a 2.5 minute clip about Land Rover Car. For this piece of art we made special steadycam to be able to make professional shots from a car. Traditionally, we spent most of the time with editing of the sequences. The whole project is finished on October 11th 2004.
The group LUS3 asked us if we could make a video-clip upon their topic for their famous song called Easy To Go. We decided to make this service for them for free. The filmmaking was from 8pm till 2am between 27th and 28th October 2004. The post-production took about three weeks. Clip was completed and presented on November 18th 2004 and later on it played on TV ÓCKO.
After longer break in spring 2005 we decided to make another simple feature movie which will be again determined for film festivals. The title of the film was clear since the very beginning “Imperfection of Loved”. The screenplay for this film wrote Lenka Moravcová who was inspired by a book by Richard Bach called “There’s no Such a Place As Far Away”.