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LUS3 - Video-clip LUS3 - Video-clip
Released: 2004
Length: 4 minutes
Format: DVD, DivX
Equipment: PANASONIC NV-DX100 - Digital 3CCD, Adobe Premiere 6.5
Casting: Klara Kondelikova, Filip Vavro, Jakub Zachoval, Petr Pour
Genre: Video Clip
Story: The group LUS3 asked us if we could make a video-clip upon their topic for their famous song called Easy To Go. We decided to make this service for them for free. The filmmaking was from 8pm till 2am between 27th and 28th October 2004. The post-production took about three weeks. Clip was completed and presented on November 18th 2004.
Scene Size Downloaded Lng. Download Stream
Video-clip 30.4 MB 11335 x cs download Watch in YouTube