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Imperfection of Loved Photoalbum: Imperfection of Loved
Photoalbum: Imperfection of Loved (9 photos)
Released: 2005
Length: 16 minutes
Format: VHS, DVD, DivX
Equipment: PANASONIC NV-DX100 - Digital 3CCD, Adobe Premiere 6.5
Music: Vlad Kuryluk
Casting: Petra Kapkova, Daniel Cerv, David Brezina a dalsi
Genre: Drama
Script: Lenka Moravcova
Story: Its a story about a young journalist who feels lonely in her marriage. While writing an article outdoor she coincidently meets a young student. Is she going to stay with the imperfect husband or will she yield to the temptation?
Scene Size Downloaded Lng. Download Stream
Full version 105.22 MB 11463 x cs download Watch in YouTube
Trailer 20.21 MB 11532 x cs download Watch in YouTube
Awards: 29th April 2006 - The first prize at the Regional Competition in Prague, CZ
18th March 2006 - The first prize at the Juniorfilm Festival in Dvůr Králové, CZ